


20 POINTS- CSS Positioning Layout (aka tableless layouts) You may use your own templates if you did this already. Refer to the Website wireframe below. Made with Balsamiq Mockups.yheeey!



  1. Must be aesthetically pleasing (in Plain English: MAGANDA)
  2. Complete with a header & footer area
  3. CSS Menu for links


25 POINTS- Create slideshow galleries using the JQuery Cycle plugin http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/int.html together with the Easing Plugin (described on the link)



  1. Three (3) Photo Gallery sets with at least 5 photos each.
  2. Use different effects for each photoset.


25 POINTS- each photo when clicked will show a bigger photo using FancyBox http://fancy.klade.lv/.


10 POINTS- while the FancyBox is shown links to next & previous photos (and close) work.


10 POINTS- Notice the (?) on the upper right hand? Create an About ME pop up or slider effect with information about you & links to other websites. (Use any technique. Just Google it.)


10 POINTS- Create a Blogroll. Links to your blog & online life & friends & teachers & other subjects.



30 POINTS- Integrate FlickrRSS or any other photostream. This will "automagically" update the photosets if you upload new images.


20 POINTS- Integrate Google Maps to your page with approximate coordinates to your house.


30 POINTS- Commenting system (whether javascript driven and/or PHP)